Please complete the requested information below and enter your digital signature to confirm that you agree and accept our terms and conditions. Note that you may attach your company info sheet, trader references sheet, and Resale Certificate below rather than filling in all the fields.
Important Note: Credit Applications are not processed until a Purchase Order is Received.
If you have a Company Information Sheet that contains ALL the information in this section, you may attach it using the link below instead of filling out this section.
If you have a Trade Reference Sheet, you can attach it using the link below instead of filling out this section.
Please attach a copy of your Resale Certificate
If you prefer to have your invoices, Packing Lists, and MTRs e-mailed to a specific e-mail address, please indicate this below.
The undersigned agrees that if this application is approved, terms of payments will be 1/2% – 10/Net 30 days and agrees to abide by those terms and conditions. In the event of a lawsuit against the undersigned company for balances due to Dover Tubular Alloys, Inc., our company hereby agree to pay attorney fees and court costs. CONFIRMATION OF INFORMATION ACCURACY AND RELEASE OF AUTHORITY TO VERIFY I hereby certify that the information in this credit application is correct. The information included in this credit application is for use by Dover Tubular Alloys, Inc in determining the amount and conditions of credit to be extended. I understand that Dover Tubular Alloys, Inc may also utilize the other sources of credit which it considers necessary in making this determination. Further I hereby authorize the bank and trade references listed in this credit application to release the information necessary to assist Dover Tubular Alloys, Inc. in establishing a line of credit.
I hereby certify that the information in this credit application is correct. The information included in this credit application is for use by Dover Tubular Alloys, Inc in determining the amount and conditions of credit to be extended. I understand that Dover Tubular Alloys, Inc may also utilize the other sources of credit which it considers necessary in making this determination. Further I hereby authorize the bank and trade references listed in this credit application to release the information necessary to assist Dover Tubular Alloys, Inc. in establishing a line of credit.